Saturday, June 4, 2011

Flax and Whole Wheat Crepes

This recipe is my attempt to make a great healthy breakfast out of a weekend favorite, crepes.  These crepes are not as light and tender as crepes made with white flour and more butter, but they pack a good serving of fiber and amino-3 fatty acids in a nutty, flavorful package.

- 1/2c whole wheat flour
- 1/4c flaxmeal
- 3 eggs
- 3/4c milk
- 2T melted butter

Mix all ingredients together in a blender until mixed well.

Pour a little batter into a pre-heated non-stick pan on medium heat.  Pour into the center of the pan, and then turn and tilt pan to create a thin coating of batter.  When the batter starts to cook through, the crepe is ready to flip.  If you use a non-stick pan, you can tell it is ready to turn when the batter no longer looks wet and the edges start to come up from the pan.


When you flip the crepe, it should look golden and cooked through.

It should only take a minute or two to cook through the rest of the way.  When done, remove from pan.  Coat half of crepe with desired ingredients.  Our favorites are nutella and a mixed berry compote.

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