Monday, January 3, 2011

Kitchen Renovations!

No, we weren't robbed of all of our food and dishes this weekend, our kitchen renovation started today!  In preparation, we totally moved out of the kitchen over the weekend.  Most of the pots, pans, serving dishes, etc. went into storage in the basement, but I also created a small temporary pantry in the dining room that I think has everything we'll need to get by for the next few weeks until we can move into our brand new kitchen!

This will be quite the experiment.  I've set aside a set of nesting bowls, a strainer, a couple of serving dishes, select serving and cooking utensils, six sets of our every-day china and silverware, 2 cups, 2 mugs, a cheap stock pot that I can put on the grill, the crock pot, and a large stack of towls and ziplock baggies. 

It's already turning into a fun challenge to try to figure out each piece of the puzzle that we will need to make it through the next month without a kitchen.  In addition to the mobile pantry, we set aside two coolers - one for the "refrigerator" and one for the "freezer."  Luckily it's very cold outside right now and we can put these on the screened-in porch to stay cold.  We also turned a 2-drawer plastic file cabinet into a mobile pantry that has cereal, crackers, oil, vinegar, and the like.  Our grill is large and has a gas side-burner, and my co-worker has generously lent me her electric fry pan!  I think we'll be able to make it.  It will all be worth it in the end! 

1 comment:

  1. Wow - how did I never realize that your old countertops are the same as Bryan's? It's going to look so great when it's done, and your mobile pantry is brilliant!
