Thursday, December 16, 2010

Mashed Potatoes with Creamed Spinach

When I was home from work last week nursing my wounds, I caught part of a Rachel Ray 30-Minute Meals episode and decided that I would try to make these mashed potatoes when my gums started to heal.  So I made them a few days ago.  They were wonderful!  The recipe below is about half of Rachel Ray's recipe (with a few tweaks)... I couldn't justify eating 3 pounds of potatoes alone!

- 2lbs red potatoes, peeled and chopped into large chunks
- Canola oil
- 1/2 yellow onion, finely chopped
- 3 strips of bacon, cut into small pieces
- 1c cream
- 1 box frozen spinach, defrosted and wrung of excess water
-  Salt & pepper as needed

Boil the potatoes until soft.  Meanwhile, add a little canola oil to a pot and cook bacon over medium heat until crispy.  Add the onions and allow to sweat until transclucent and sweet.  Add the spinach.

When the potatoes are done, add to the onion/spinach/bacon mixture and mash.  Add cream until you reach the desired consistency.  I made mine pretty smooth because I wasn't up for any chunky foods yet.  You could leave yours chunkier or even leave some of the skins on the potatoes. 

Season to taste and serve hot.


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